App of the Month! (+ GOING AWAY!)

Hey everyone!

Alright so the reason I'm posting App of the Month today is because I'm going on vacation Sunday morning through Friday. Anyway I'll get to that later. So App of the Month, this was REALLY close between 2 apps; Cut the Rope, and Blobster. I've made my decision and... *DRUM ROLL* BLOBSTER! Blobster was chosen by me for App of the Month. There were many apps I had on my mind like iStunt 2, Bean's Quest, and Bumpy Road, BUT Cut the Rope and Blobster were mainly on my mind. Anyway, so I chose Blobster. Let's take a look of what it is...


 Alright so in Blobster you get this little blob who can move by touching the left and right side of your iPod. He can also jump by touching him and holding him, then pulling him back and then releasing him. There are these coin things that you collect in each level to unlock other worlds. There can be 4 or 20 coins in each level. Once you collect all coins in the first world and you get 100% you unlock the second world and it keeps going on as you play.

So that's what the little blob looks like. He makes noises that are actually quite cute and funny. He can also get specials that do things. +'s make him get bigger, up arrows that make him jump really high, float's that make him go in water, and a few more things. This blob is trying to destroy all the bad guys and win back his city. So far right now there is only 4 worlds. In each world there is different levels and the 4 worlds are all themed.

The 4 worlds are called: 'Meadow Madness', 'Desert Dash', 'Rumble Jungle', and 'Winter Wonder'. You have to get around 100% in each world to unlock the next worlds. Also, there is bonus levels at the end of each world. If you're having trouble with this app and my explaining doesn't help AND you download this app, the beginning explains the whole game. There is also survival mode which I think you unlock once you beat the whole game but I don't know yet. Anyway so that's everything for...

Alright, now onto my vacation. I'll be going away to another vacation spot on early Sunday morning to Friday or Saturday. I will have access to Wi-Fi but ya'know... all I have is an iPod and there is no computer where I am going and I don't have a laptop, I have a PC so I can't bring a computer either. ANYWAY, I'm also going to be making a new poll today so I can get that done with too. Alright so one more time...


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