Angry Birds Seasons: Summer Pignic - FINISHED!

Hey everyone!

Angry Birds Seasons: Summer Pignic is over with for most people. I finished the last level today and I wasn't impressed. For one, there's ONLY 2 GOLDEN EGGS in Summer Pignic and then there's the picnic basket level which I guess you could count as a golden egg level but I don't know. So anyway, forget my Angry Birds Theory post the other day. It was useless, what I'm mad with Angry Birds is that they don't make too many levels or worlds. They still need to make Angry Birds finished and they won't. But anyway, so here's the deal-i-o about Summer Pignic.

Alright, the last level was a little tricky because you had the 3 green birds that act like a boomerang. Anyway, once you defeat it and have all 3 stars it should look like this:

Ok, now slide your page over to the 2nd page and when you have all 3 stars the picnic basket will be able to played. Once defeated it will look like this.

Now, my score should be at the tippity top but of course it isn't. So anyway, this is what the world will look like when finished.

And now Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic is finished! After these long 30 days, it is finally finished!

Alright, so for now the only updates I'm expecting is the Angry Birds Rio updates. Hopefully, Angry Birds original will update with an extra set of levels and maybe another world... Bye!

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