Angry Birds THEORY Post

Hey everyone!

I've been thinking of something to post because lately apps have been going down and the posts I really count on now-a-days are updates or a big-hit app that everyone likes. You know, it seems like the music on iTunes store is getting more popular now. Anyway, so I came up with something that I've been thinking about; ANGRY BIRDS.

This easygoing fun app everyone likes is still making it's way through the app store. It's STILL the #1 Paid App in the App Store and has been for a WHILE. The only reason it's the #1 Paid App is because there's 2 type of people for Apps. People that buy apps for fun but don't know how to play and people that study apps and learn how to play it. Now, I'm the 2nd type of person, who studies apps and learns how to play them. So basically half the people buying Angry Birds are people that don't play it too much, and the other half are the real fans, like me. So let's get back to Angry Birds, they are running things to slow and this is why I made the poll and I think they're going down. There original fans play Angry Birds and beat it because it's easy for us but the others don't play it too much and always have something to play on Angry Birds. But you know I could be wrong, maybe a lot of people play Angry Birds and beat it easily too. Ok so, anyway, let me start over of what I was going to say.

Angry Birds is taking there updates to slow. Every update they have takes about a month or 2 and it's getting annoying. Angry Birds Rio takes a month just to get out 15 levels and then they take another month to get out another set of 15 levels. They've pushed it with Angry Birds Seasons: Summer Pignic, waiting a day for a level is dumb. This is obviously showing that they need time for there updates so they make the levels hard and they make a level a day so they have extra time. Before releasing an update they should release it all. I think they messed up with Angry Birds by releasing some of it but then not releasing another set of levels. They should have released all of it, like all the other apps that are hits. They also should have added some other things to do so that they could have more time and we could be occupied. Angry Birds Seasons was ruined when Summer Pignic came out and this is part of the theory. They make the levels too easy. Now, Angry Birds Rio is another part of the theory. It's taking WAY TOO LONG to release their updates. You know, if you think about it you would think that having 3 apps would be hard to defeat all, not exactly. If they released the update in one big thing it would be better. So basically, I just think that taking their nice slow time on making new worlds and levels is starting to become stupid and is making them lose fans. It's all jumbled up and mixed. Updates include a small pack of levels and that's all for a month.

Anyway, if you support my theory or don't support it please vote on the poll. I don't think they will ever have an end because of the noobs that are recently buying it. But I think the game could be coming to an end because what else could they add for there games. Anyway one more thing, an app company called Chillingo makes lots of apps and they all become hits. The only thing I don't like about them is that they are money-thieves and they have rip-offs with their apps. They make an app about like every month and they become on the Top-10 Paid Apps chart. But I really don't like too many of their apps anyway soo... BYE!

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