Hey everyone...

It seems like just when something good is going my way iTunes screws everything up! And now I have a problem, bad news; ever since iTunes has gotten it's update my iPod stopped syncing everything. So right now 8 apps have been updated and need to be updated. I also have some other data. Anyway, so that's the problem. iTunes won't let me sync anything to my computer which means I can't transfer any data onto my computer. The way I got my pictures and other stuff onto this blog was syncing photos, but now I can't! I'm really PO'ed and I don't know HOW to fix this problem. I've been trying everything and I'm down to ONE SOLUTION... It's a risky solution because it could delete all my data. There's this file called 'Lockdown' in Apple in my computer and other computers. I don't know what it's in it but I read on the Apple website that to solve my solution I have to put the file into my recycling bin but also I also read that it could get deleted and when it does iTunes really can't sync your iPod and then I'll have another problem! So I don't know WHAT to do. I might call Apple up and see if they could help me and fix my problem. If they can't then I'm screwed...

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