App of the Month... SPY MOUSE!

Hey everyone!

I know I should have posted this Thursday but I was REALLY busy (not) Thursday and Friday. Nah, I'm just kidding, I really was busy and couldn't post those 2 days. ANY WHO so this months App of the Month is................................................................ right after this commercial! Ok seriously... App of the Month is ............................................................... SPY MOUSE! I wish I could have picked another app or had a few other choices but I could only find this app available recently. Anyway so Spy Mouse is an app that many people say it's like Mario but IT'S NOT, it's very hard and sneaky,. So here's how it's gonna go down...


This is the homepage, as you see there is awards, gifting box, news, options, help, and of course PLAY! When you click 'Play' a world should pop up, what ever world you're on will pop up.

I beat all worlds, goodie me :). Anyway, there is 6 worlds and this is world 1. In world 1 your basically going around houses on a street. Other worlds are different themed and will have different enemies. Anyway at the end of each world there is a special level, the last level. There's 2 steps to it, the 1st step is to follow a white cat to a door and once you get to the door, a boss cat will show up and you have to defeat it. Once defeating, the next world will pop up. Anyway so let's take a look at how the levels look like.

In each level you have to follow the dotted lines to the cheese and then follow it out the door. In each level, except for the first one there is enemy cats, stuff to hide in/behind, fake mouse, and more than 1 cheese. You go slower with the more cheese you have. 

You can also have Squeak Friends, do challenges, and see your worlds, but I don't know how to do any of this besides see your worlds. I think Squeak Friends is playing with other people around the world and stuff but...
Anyway that's all that's really in Spy Mouse, I didn't really wanna explain this so I'm kinda ending it short...

Anyway, I have 2 more posts to post so I wanna get started. Remember, App of the Month: Spy Mouse! The sidebar is updated also! :)

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