New POLL! (+ very sad news)

Hey everyone!

I have some sad news but I'll bring that later first I'd like to say that there is a new poll, I'd like everyone to vote on it because it's very important. Ok onto the sad news, I'm closing down the site for good this upcoming Friday, I've become too busy and I need to work on my sports career. Yes I have a sports career and I could be playing on the MLB soon... I'm 20 years old and need to work on my life so well I'll be back Friday.... NAH IM JUST KIDDING, I HAD YOU I FOOLED YOU AHAHAHA, well I didn't fool my real life friends... Anwyay I'm just kidding about that, I'm not going to MLB and I'm not 20 years old, I'm younger. The site will not be closing down, this is all a big joke. Alright seriously there's a new poll on the LEFT SIDEBAR you, you, you, need to go vote on it because I took 10 minutes thinking of something and that's a long time... ALRIGHT PEACE AND LOVE!

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