Problems, problems, and MORE PROBLEMS...

Hey everyone!

I've been having some problems with my computer lately and this is affecting my iPod touch 4. It's not affecting it in a bad way it's just well... I have a  problem. My computer is running out of memory fast and then the memory will go back but then go down sooner. I think I have a mini virus or whatever you call them. Anyway, so I cannot update my iPod touch 4 to the new iOS5 update. Luckily I might have someone posting for me, hopefully. So yeah since I can't update my iPod touch 4 to the new iOS5 update I cannot buy apps until then. BUT I cannot let this ruin my life because I will get my computer fixed and I will get that update! So this computer should be getting fixed within next week/weekend. Until then I'm going to have trouble posting so please just bare with me. I mean it would be really helpful if someone could post for me like my friend. PLEASE ILL PAY $10 AN HOUR (offer ends in 10 seconds)! Bye!

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