Hey everyone!

My computer has finally gotten fixed and I have enough memory for my iPod now. Alright so what I mean by "everything is fixed" is that my problems with my computer and iPod are over! I have gotten the iOS5 update and synced all my recent data onto my computer. I'm so happy now! :D Sorry, I'm over exaggerating... Anyway, the update I didn't find to be much of a big update as I thought it would be. I mean I love the update and stuff it's just that I thought it would be a little more but, it's just an update. So what this update was about was that you can do messaging, check the newsstand, and a few more new homepage apps were in this update as well. You can also find your iPod if you lost it, AND sync your iPod onto your computer with... iCloud! This is all very nice, yes very nice, nice... So yeah I'm back fresh and new and I'll be back to my normal schedules, like New Poll every week, App of the Month, and posting new apps. Also, Halloween is coming up in a week or so which means I have to take down the decorations soon :(. Anyway I can't wait for Halloween! ALRIGHT BYE!

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