Hey everyone!
So this is it... The results are in... The moment you've been waiting for... *DRUM ROLL PLEASE* ... APP OF THE MONTH!
If you still don't have a clue what I'm talking about you shouldn't read this, just kidding! Anyway, last Sunday ago I made a poll about if I should do 'App of the Week' or 'App of the Month'. And App of the Month won so I will be doing that for now on.
I am also here to bring you another update that will hopefully make this site more better. I've been thinking and I've noticed not a lot of new apps come out a lot. So I'm also going to be doing Chrome apps from the web store. So far I only have 2 apps from it right now but they're both fun and I recommend getting both of them!
Angry Birds & Ozee
I've also made another big decision. I'm going to be sticking with my old channel - http://www.youtube.com/djortizdjortiz45 I just gotta dust it up and it'll be good as new! As you can see, I've made categories for all my videos. So in that channel will be my App videos. I hope you like this! Anyway, if you have any questions or concerns comment!

Oh and BTW, I made a new poll!