Hey everyone!
Alright, so let's get this straight, Bean's Quest Update; HARD. What I mean is, the app 'Bean's Quest' came out with an update but as the looks of it, it seems like it's getting harder now, which means each world is going to get harder as the updates come out. Now this is something I don't like, though I'm impressed that they came out with more levels. I thought this was one app that was going to be easy but it isn't. Anyway, let's get to the business and info.
Bean's Quest:
Alright so Bean's Quest came out with a 2nd world but FIRST, let's take a look at the new background they added.
Alright so anyway the new world is called Crystal Peaks. It has 9 levels instead of 8 on Grasslands.
In this world it is a different theme and has new enemies. It also has these bouncy things that make you bounce. Now so far I can't get all the diamonds or little pink things. It's been very tricky.
Also, there is another new world that's COMING SOON called Sky Ruins! This is coming 2011/09. Anyway but this update came out yesterday 8/13/2011. So basically you have to wait a month for each update. So that's everything for...
Anyway, check back for 2 more posts! Bye!