Hey everyone!
First off I'll start off with some boring news, NEW POLL WOO YEAH! Alright anyway, so I'm starting school Tuesday and life is going to get busy, I get a lot of homework and usually I spend my free time with friends during school. The only free time I have basically to be on the internet is at night and I usually don't stay up late on school nights either. So the point is, is that school makes my life busy with homework and my free time is limited to the computer. I'll basically be posting on this website once a week, though I'm not totally sure, it really depends on how school goes this year. 1 MORE THING TO POINT OUT, my friend keeps telling me to stop saying this because he doesn't know but now my friend might get an iPod Touch 4 instead of an iPad 2 so we could still have more posting. ANYWAY, GO CHECK OUT THAT POLL!
Hey everyone!
Spy Mouse is crawling on your floor stealing your cheese while your fat a** lazy cat can't do crap! HIDE YO CHEESE! Hey what cheese isn't a mouse's cheese? Na'cho cheese! !@#$ MOUSE!
Ok, enough with these corny jokes but sorry for the swearing, my neighbors cat can't kill a mouse. Yup that's right, the Browns family cat can't kill a cat. Anyway, there's actually been an app that came out called Spy Mouse and I'm here to explain it to you! OK, SERIOUS TALK! I recently downloaded an app called Spy Mouse and it is pretty fun. In one week it's ALREADY made it's way to the NUMBER 1 PAID APP! This is quite successful, but anyway in this app you have a mouse you control and you have enemies who DON'T WANT YOU GETTING THAT CHEESE! Your mouse's objective is to get the cheese and try to avoid the cats. Alright so lets see some pics!
So this is Spy Mouse and you get achievements, you can see news, edit the options, and play the game! Like I said, you get a mouse who wants the cheese and you have enemies who attack you if seen. You also get things that will help you like, Kisha the cat, a friendly cat who gets rid of the enemy cats and a fake mouse who goes into mouse traps for you to get the cheese. Anyway you can also follow these little cheeses that will lead you to cracks in the wall which lets you out into the backyard. In the backyard there's usually little cheeses you follow that will lead you back into the house. Also you can turn on a TV and distract the cats and get the cheese, AND you can get into a cup and move around in it, AAAAAAND you can hide under couches, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND you can go in mouse holes to trick a mouse or go to another hole.
Also at the end of each world theres 2 certain levels, 1 which you have to follow a cat without being caught/seen, and it's pretty easy. The other level is the last level of each world and you have to vs the boss mouse. It gets harder as you progress. Alright also each LEVEL is a different house. So that's everything for...
So yeah the stupid Browns won't teach their cats how to friggin' get rid of stupid ass mouse, lazy ass cat... BYE!
Hey everyone!
Angry Birds Rio has ALSO came out with an update! This update is bigger and better! It includes a NEW WORLD (and new achievements I found out)! Anyway, this update includes a new world called Airfield CHASE! I haven't played it yet but here's how it is on the page.
Angry Birds Rio: Airfield Chase
Alright anyway I'm going to start playing Angry Birds Rio more and start finishing it and once I get to Airfield CHASE and play it a little, I'll show you the new stuff in it... SO THATS ...
Anyway Angry Birds Rio is close to ending and once it does I think they're going to make another Angry Birds. I once read on a site called http://angrybirdsnest.com/ that a multiplayer Angry Birds would be available for this thing called nook which I think it'll be a new angry birds for iOS 5/Apple devices. Anyway I find that site pretty interesting, it has a lot of Angry Birds facts so I would go give it a look!
Anyway so yeah, I've gotten a new signature in my posts. It's hippie style :D. ALSO, HALLOWEEN IS NEAR CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! BOO! MUAHAHAHA! Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love it! I'm going to change this website to fall/halloween colors when the time comes! Alrighty, bye!

Hey everyone!
Angry Birds SEASONS has got an update! It's not too big of an update but it's still important because this will help you in feature levels. Angry Birds Seasons has finally gotten the MIGHT EAGLY in it! I wouldn't have never found this out if I didn't read what the update was about because I rarely do but I did the same for Angry Birds Rio which got it's update today too (next post). Anyway so let's show you where the update took upon.
Alright so Angry Birds Seasons home page has the mighty eagle on it. Take a look!
As you see I circled it 3 times so you could CLEARLY see it. Ok so as you know the Mighty Eagle helps you get past a level if you really stuck on it. Ok now let me show you the next thing.
The worlds also have the Mighty Eagle little feather thing now, check it out.
I don't know what you get when you get 30/30 feathers but that's all for... ANGRY BIRDS SEASONS!
So Angry Birds Seasons has gotten the Mighty Eagle, do you think Angry Birds Rio will too? I do...

Hey everyone!
So what up my homies! ANYWAY there's a new poll today! In other news, I have recently found out I'm going back to school on August 30th which means I will not be as active as I am now. School usually interferes with life and my online life is less active than it is in the summer free days. Alright so go vote on the new poll and it is the 40TH POST! WOO YAY LETS HEAD FOR 50! WOO YAY! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Hey everyone!
Quick post, I actually forgot to put a new poll Sunday night and I updated it today. So go check it out now! NOW I SAY, NOW!
Hey everyone!
I have a few things to talk about in this post. 1st off, their is a new poll which is on the left sidebar, go check it out and vote on it now! :) 2nd, last week's poll "What do you prefer? - iPad 2, -iPod touch 4", iPad 2 won by 3 votes and so I'm thinking. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, if my friend DOES get an iPad 2 this blog could become a little more popular and could be iPod touch 4 and iPad 2 blog. Alright so finally, I'm going to be posting updates and new apps I recently found and one of those apps will be app of the month each month for now on. Anyway that's basically all I had to say, BYE!
Hey everyone!
Zombie Smash :D! Alright so Zombie Smash is an app I had for a while but it finally came out with an update and I decided to post it. Anyway, so this app has 2 worlds and your main objective is to kill all the zombies by flicking them with your finger several times. You have a house and zombies come from one side or the other, sometimes both sides! Your house has a health and when zombies get near it they'll start attacking it. So you have to protect the house by getting rid of the zombies or killing them. You also get weapons and other things that will help you kill the zombies. Their is all sorts of zombies and some of them need weapons to kill them and other have helmets and you need to take the helmets off and then flick them. Anyway so let's get to the update!
Zombie Smash:
So in this you can either 'Play', edit the 'Tools', or 'Follow Me' (them) on Twitter. When you click 'Play' their is 3 modes you can play. The first 2 are campaign modes where you fight off zombies in 2 different worlds. The first one is more of a farm-type world and the second one is more of a abandoned jail world overtaken by zombies. Anyway so the third mode is where you vs another person across the country or near you! Anyway, the way you vs them is by seeing who can last the longest in fighting off zombies. Anyway so heres a picture.
So that's basically the game...
Alright one more post above this! Go read now! Bye!

Hey everyone!
Alright, so let's get this straight, Bean's Quest Update; HARD. What I mean is, the app 'Bean's Quest' came out with an update but as the looks of it, it seems like it's getting harder now, which means each world is going to get harder as the updates come out. Now this is something I don't like, though I'm impressed that they came out with more levels. I thought this was one app that was going to be easy but it isn't. Anyway, let's get to the business and info.
Bean's Quest:
Alright so Bean's Quest came out with a 2nd world but FIRST, let's take a look at the new background they added.
Alright so anyway the new world is called Crystal Peaks. It has 9 levels instead of 8 on Grasslands.
In this world it is a different theme and has new enemies. It also has these bouncy things that make you bounce. Now so far I can't get all the diamonds or little pink things. It's been very tricky.
Also, there is another new world that's COMING SOON called Sky Ruins! This is coming 2011/09. Anyway but this update came out yesterday 8/13/2011. So basically you have to wait a month for each update. So that's everything for...
Anyway, check back for 2 more posts! Bye!

Hey everyone!
I have good news, and bad news. I'll start off with the good news because it'll make more sense. Alright so after 2 hours of on the phone with an Apple worker, none of their solutions worked. So then they said to buy a new charger and see if that would work. So I did buy one and my iPod ended up syncing again. Now the bad news, they made me restore my iPod to it's original settings which means I had to get all my apps back onto my iPod. Once I did that I noticed ALL my levels for each app were reset. So now Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons, Angry Birds Rio, Blobster, Fruit Ninja, Cut the Rope, and many more of my apps are all RESET. I'm still pissed off about all of this. Also, I'm having some trouble getting my pictures onto my computer. I changed a lot of my stuff on my computer yesterday and I don't know if that's why my pictures won't upload. Anyway, once I fix my picture problem, I'm gonna have to start playing all my apps again... Oh boy...
Hey everyone...
Oh yeah and I forgot to tell you one more thing, there's a new poll. Go vote on it now if you want, Bye.
ALSO, I don't wanna keep making new posts so I'll say it here; My friend MIGHT be getting an iPad 2 in a month and if he does he MIGHT work on this blog and then this blog will be more active :).
Hey everyone...
It seems like just when something good is going my way iTunes screws everything up! And now I have a problem, bad news; ever since iTunes has gotten it's update my iPod stopped syncing everything. So right now 8 apps have been updated and need to be updated. I also have some other data. Anyway, so that's the problem. iTunes won't let me sync anything to my computer which means I can't transfer any data onto my computer. The way I got my pictures and other stuff onto this blog was syncing photos, but now I can't! I'm really PO'ed and I don't know HOW to fix this problem. I've been trying everything and I'm down to ONE SOLUTION... It's a risky solution because it could delete all my data. There's this file called 'Lockdown' in Apple in my computer and other computers. I don't know what it's in it but I read on the Apple website that to solve my solution I have to put the file into my recycling bin but also I also read that it could get deleted and when it does iTunes really can't sync your iPod and then I'll have another problem! So I don't know WHAT to do. I might call Apple up and see if they could help me and fix my problem. If they can't then I'm screwed...