App of the Week - Bumpy Road

App of the Week - Bumpy Road by Simogo

I chose this app because of many reasons. I really liked this app because it is a fun app where you slide your finger to move the car. To jump, you slide your finger up. I also liked the music because it is a sweet soundtrack that goes perfect with the app. This was chosen Game of the Week by the App store too. You can view your highscores, achievements, & photos in Memory Lane. There is 2 basic modes, Evergreen Ride & Sunday Trip.

Evergreen Rides: Your main goal is "to get as far as you can" said by Simogo. It can be tricky because you have to jump over holes with your car and also some times you have to go on a bridge with a clock timing until it disappears. The clock lasts for a second usually.

Sunday Trip: Sunday Trip is a mode where you have to beat your original highscore time. There are no holes so it's very easy.

Memory Lane: Memory Lane is not a game mode to play but a mode to look at. In 'Evergreen Ride' you will find black & white pictures to collect. Once you've collected them you get to look at them in "Memory Lane" mode. So far I've only gotten about 5 or 6 but I am still collecting.

So that basically sums up what this game is about. If you have any questions, just comment in the comment box.

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