Hey everyone!
Angry Birds Rio has came out with a small update, but worth posting for! It's an eagle, it helps and protects the birds, it's big, it's... MIGHTY EAGLE! Yes they have added the Mighty Eagle on Angry Birds Rio! So here's 1 pic showing you on the homepage...
So as you see there's the mighty eagle eye button, once you press it, you're asked to buy it. I'm gonna try not to use it but I don't play Angry Birds Rio too much anymore. Anyway so yeah that's basically it. Also, HALLOWEEN IS ALMOST NEAR! I can't wait! It's so fun on Halloween night! OMG I CAN'T WAIT, LITERALLY!!!!!! Alright that's all I gotta say soo... BYE!
Hey everyone!
BIG NEWS? GUESS WHAT? I'M PREGNANT! Of course I was just kidding, I'm a boy and the real news I am here to bring you is NEW POLL! Woo! Yeah I know I shouldn't really post this but I feel as this is a weekly update post also which informs you of each week. And you know I might start doing another weekly post that talks about apps in the App Store lately. Anyway so new poll, left sidebar, go vote NOW! Also Halloween is near, but so is Thursday, MY HALF DAY OF SCHOOL and then comes Friday! BYE!

Hey everyone!
I'm finally back to posting my on-schedule posts, and I am here to say that a NNNNNNNNEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW Angry Birds Seasons has come out! It's called Ham-o-ween and it's Halloween themed. I gotta be honest here and I'm not sure whether I like this update or not. I mean the music is a little weird, but the new theme looks good. The levels are a little tricky but also a little easy. You'll see what I mean later in this post. I'm gonna tell you right now, this post might be long because of the pictures, but it won't be boring... Anyway so yeah let's get into this sandwich...
This is the new loading screen for Angry Birds Seasons. Not to important, but here it is.
And this is the NEW HOMEPAGE for Angry Birds Seasons. Actually I like this new theme a lot because it's different but then again, you'll see why it's different later in the post.
ALRIGHT, now here's what I mean why the themes are different.
They made a WHOLE NEW SEASON. Which means that so they don't have to repeat the same seasons probably. Anyway this could be a risky decision to make because they probably already have tons of more holidays ready to make but they don't know if Seasons 2012 will even be successful. But it'll probably be because they make their Angry Birds Seasons the same mostly. Alright so yeah they made a new season and in it is ...
HAM-O-WEEN, this is a new Halloween themed style type of season. As you see the Jack-O-Lanterns are black and the theme is a green-ish, blue-ish, color which could represent some scariness. Anyway, so once you press that in there are ...
There are 3 pages, 2 pages of regular levels and the last page is the secret levels. They'll probably be hidden pumpkins in each level but I'm not sure yet. Anyway so another big thing added to this update is ...
A NEW BIRD! Yes! They added a new bird to Angry Birds SEASONS 2012, and it'll probably only be on Angry Birds SEASONS 2012. I mean I don't know if they'll add this to other Holiday worlds in the other Seasons 2012 but let's take a look at this weird bird ...
This bird's specially is to blow up like a balloon and then inflate. And this is exactly what I meant by levels being tricky, because of this bird. I mean I'm starting to figure out how to use it but you have to get this bird in direct spots sometimes to get it's full effect. I mean sometimes it blows up and doesn't do too much damage. Alright here's one last pic of this bird.
And this is what the bird mainly does after inflating, it blows around and disappears. So that's basically everything for the New Angry Birds Seasons Update Seasons 2012 Ham-O-Ween . . .
Yeah so that was kind of a big update, anyway, HALLOWEEN IS VERY VERY CLOSE TO COMING. ONE MORE WEEK AND HERE IT COMES. I mean I can't wait! I tell ya, this month has been a good month for me and I think the rest of the year is going to be even better! Alright so I'm finally back on updates, new poll NEXT SUNDAY :)
Hey everyone!
My computer has finally gotten fixed and I have enough memory for my iPod now. Alright so what I mean by "everything is fixed" is that my problems with my computer and iPod are over! I have gotten the iOS5 update and synced all my recent data onto my computer. I'm so happy now! :D Sorry, I'm over exaggerating... Anyway, the update I didn't find to be much of a big update as I thought it would be. I mean I love the update and stuff it's just that I thought it would be a little more but, it's just an update. So what this update was about was that you can do messaging, check the newsstand, and a few more new homepage apps were in this update as well. You can also find your iPod if you lost it, AND sync your iPod onto your computer with... iCloud! This is all very nice, yes very nice, nice... So yeah I'm back fresh and new and I'll be back to my normal schedules, like New Poll every week, App of the Month, and posting new apps. Also, Halloween is coming up in a week or so which means I have to take down the decorations soon :(. Anyway I can't wait for Halloween! ALRIGHT BYE!

Hey everyone!
I've been having some problems with my computer lately and this is affecting my iPod touch 4. It's not affecting it in a bad way it's just well... I have a problem. My computer is running out of memory fast and then the memory will go back but then go down sooner. I think I have a mini virus or whatever you call them. Anyway, so I cannot update my iPod touch 4 to the new iOS5 update. Luckily I might have someone posting for me, hopefully. So yeah since I can't update my iPod touch 4 to the new iOS5 update I cannot buy apps until then. BUT I cannot let this ruin my life because I will get my computer fixed and I will get that update! So this computer should be getting fixed within next week/weekend. Until then I'm going to have trouble posting so please just bare with me. I mean it would be really helpful if someone could post for me like my friend. PLEASE ILL PAY $10 AN HOUR (offer ends in 10 seconds)! Bye!
Hey everyone!
GUESS WHAT?! Ok this is the right post, NEW POLL! There's a BRAND NEW poll on the left sidebar. Yeah it's so important... Alright anyway so yeah HALLOWEEN is coming up and this is the month of October. IT'S A GREAT MONTH! My 2nd favorite month, September's my 1st. So I know I've been a little inactive lately and I'm trying to find apps so I can post on here more, but lately I haven't been finding any. Hopefully I'll start finding more apps because I'm getting bored now. Anyway, that's all I gotta say for now, BYE!
Hey everyone!
Alright so I added a new poll... Wait a minute, wrong post...
So where was I, App of the October is finally here, the moment you've all been waiting for... APP OF THE OCTOBER: JETPACK JOYRIDE! Yup, I could NOT find any apps last month except this one so I was forced to pick this. I mean, don't get me wrong, this is a great app but this app gets boring after a while with 1 update only. Anyway so yeah the reason I said APP OF THE OCTOBER is because I LOVE OCTOBER! It's my 2nd favorite month next to September. Alright back to subject, this app was created by the famous makers of the famous app, Fruit Ninja, they are Halfbrick Studio! This app wasn't off the charts fast, it actually lasted until last week. EXPLANATION TIME!
This is the main title screen for Jetpack Joyride where you can play or click the menu button. Let me show you the menu.
In the menu you can click "The Stash, Game Center, Missions, Credits, News, and switch the 3 buttons at the bottom." Let's check out The Stash.

In the stash you can check out the clothing. The clothing has clothes which can be bought to be added on to your guy. The Jetpacks is where you can buy different jetpacks for your guy. For example, the one I have is a fruit jetpack. The Vehicle Upgrades is where you can upgrade vehicles. Vehicles in this game are special because they can fly, jump, teleport, change the gravity, or become a fierce dragon. The newest vehicle added is called Mr. Cuddles which is a dragon that spits out fire when you press on it. So they have 2 vehicle upgrades, a gold add-on and a coin magnet add-on. Gold just makes your vehicle turn gold and coin magnet makes all coins come to you when your near them. Utilities is where you can buy missions to skip. My Profile is where you check where you are in the game. Achievements are achievements you can get in the game. Get Coins is where you can buy coins to have more coins.

This is how the game looks while playing, you have your guy and his jetpack on his back flying in the air. You collect coins in this and vehicles. You can also get coin tokens which help you win prizes at the end of your game. Now the main point of this game is to get a higher rank by getting pass the missions. Missions in this game are things you have to do like collect a certain amount of coins. So that's basically everything for...
So yeah this is App of the Month. Check back above for a new post!