Hey everyone!
Well I finally made my blog theme a Halloween style and I've also made a new header. I know it's not the best but for now I'm gonna keep it this way. If I see some things I want to change I'll change them, so yeah that's basically it oh and App of the Month will be here Sunday night... alright bye!
Hey everyone!
FRIDAY MARKS THE OCTOBER/HALLOWEEN SPIRIT! I'll be turning this blog into a October/Halloween theme :D BYE!
Hey everyone!
So what's up, it's been like a week since I heard from ya! Anyway this is the 50TH POST! We're making our way to the 100th post! Alright that wasn't that important but there's ALSO A NEW POLL on the top of the left sidebar. Ok so like I said I would be busy when school started and I'm having trouble finding apps to play, I need to start looking at the App Store more. Just remember, I'm still here and will be posting and updating this blog. Also, some more news... September 30th is in like what? 2 weeks? Anyway that's the day I will be turning my blog into Halloween/October/Fall Style :D. I CAN'T WAIT FOR OCTOBER, I LOVE THE HALLOWEEN SPIRIT!
Hey everyone!
I have some sad news but I'll bring that later first I'd like to say that there is a new poll, I'd like everyone to vote on it because it's very important. Ok onto the sad news, I'm closing down the site for good this upcoming Friday, I've become too busy and I need to work on my sports career. Yes I have a sports career and I could be playing on the MLB soon... I'm 20 years old and need to work on my life so well I'll be back Friday.... NAH IM JUST KIDDING, I HAD YOU I FOOLED YOU AHAHAHA, well I didn't fool my real life friends... Anwyay I'm just kidding about that, I'm not going to MLB and I'm not 20 years old, I'm younger. The site will not be closing down, this is all a big joke. Alright seriously there's a new poll on the LEFT SIDEBAR you, you, you, need to go vote on it because I took 10 minutes thinking of something and that's a long time... ALRIGHT PEACE AND LOVE!
Hey everyone!
Right now I'm tweeting in a jetpack up high in the sky with my friend Barry from the creators of Halfbrick! Nah I'm just kidding but I have a new app to show you guys! OMG NEW APP!!111!11 It's called JETPACK JOYRIDE! Yup it's a new app I got Monday and I already beat it, today Wednesday/Thursday. It's a pretty easy app once you get the hang of it but let's take a look about it...
This app was from the famous creators of Fruit Ninja, Halfbrick Studio. The character in this is BARRY! This app came out Sunday and was on the Game of the Week on iTunes. It's pretty fun and this is the homepage. Like it says, "TOUCH ANYWHERE TO PLAY!" so you touch the screen and then the game starts. It's basically an app where you see how long you can stay in the game without dying. In this game you get a jetpack you have to control it by making it go up or down and you also have things that can make you die like lasers, electric things and missiles. Also there's scientists who don't do harm to you BUT you can kill them by shooting them with your jetpack or attacking them with a vehicle you get. Alright so now let's get to the options...
By pressing the options you can look at "The Stash, Game Center, Missions, Credits, News, change to Game Center or Open Feint, shut off the noise and shut off the music". Alright so The Stash is where you can buy stuff like different jetpacks, passes to missions, upgrade your vehicles and change Barry's clothing. In Game Center you can check your achievements. In Missions you can check the missions you're on right now but I'm on NONE, because I beat them all! :D In the credits well I guess you can see the credits at the end of the game. In the news you can see the news that Halfbrick Studios has to offer. Now the next 3 options, Game Center, Open Feint, noise and music are just things you can switch either Game Center or Open Feint or noise off or noise on or music off or noise on. So that's basically everything for...
Yup so I would show you more that has to go with Jetpack Joyride BUT I only show the full app if it's App of the Month but it could be if other apps don't come in. So like I said I won't be on that much but I'll try my best... bye!

Hey everyone!
It's that time of the month again where somebody gets their... well you know... oops, did I say month? I meant week and I was just talking about the new poll you pervert! Anyway so there's a new poll on the LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT sidebar, left yes left. Also I'm deleting App Guides, it's useless and I don't need any pages, I just post apps. Alright so, I basically have nothing else to say EXCEPT... my friend is getting an iPod Touch 4g tomorrow and I'm hoping he joins the site. YAY NEW MEMBER OF THE SITE, maybe... :( / :)?
Hey everyone!
Angry Birds Seasons is updated, and to be honest, I think they're doing a good job again on their apps! 1st they updated Angry Birds RIO, now it's Angry Birds Seasons! I am REALLY REALLY impressed with this new update in SO MANY WAYS! :D I love the music/soundtrack that goes with it, the graphics, and the levels! Anyway so let's take a look...
So as you see this is a Chinese festive theme and it is really fun. This is the new homepage screen and they really did a good job with all of it. Alright now let's see the new world.
Moon cake Festival
This is what the icon looks like for the new world called Moon cake Festival.
There is 2 sets of levels, this is the first set of 2. Here's the other one.
This is the 2nd one and after that there is another 3 levels so I didn't count them as a set of levels. Anyway...
To get these levels you have to click the Facebook like or visit the Angry Birds new website. I didn't get a chance to play these yet but anyway just like the rest of Angry Birds Seasons there is the level at the end of the page.
These are moon cakes and you probably have to get all the mini moon cakes in the levels. Oh yeah did I tell you? No I didn't, there is mini moon cakes in some levels and when you get them I think they unlock the big moon cake. It seems confusing and I don't know much about it yet but I will soon. Anyway that's everything for...
So I really liked this, they made a new soundtrack that basically has it's Angry Birds Seasons theme song in it except it's Chinese music themed. Anyway I will be posting about another app later on tomorrow... BYE!
Hey everyone!
I know I should have posted this Thursday but I was REALLY busy (not) Thursday and Friday. Nah, I'm just kidding, I really was busy and couldn't post those 2 days. ANY WHO so this months App of the Month is................................................................ right after this commercial! Ok seriously... App of the Month is ............................................................... SPY MOUSE! I wish I could have picked another app or had a few other choices but I could only find this app available recently. Anyway so Spy Mouse is an app that many people say it's like Mario but IT'S NOT, it's very hard and sneaky,. So here's how it's gonna go down...
This is the homepage, as you see there is awards, gifting box, news, options, help, and of course PLAY! When you click 'Play' a world should pop up, what ever world you're on will pop up.