Hey everyone!
Alright so the reason I'm posting App of the Month today is because I'm going on vacation Sunday morning through Friday. Anyway I'll get to that later. So App of the Month, this was REALLY close between 2 apps; Cut the Rope, and Blobster. I've made my decision and... *DRUM ROLL* BLOBSTER! Blobster was chosen by me for App of the Month. There were many apps I had on my mind like iStunt 2, Bean's Quest, and Bumpy Road, BUT Cut the Rope and Blobster were mainly on my mind. Anyway, so I chose Blobster. Let's take a look of what it is...
 Alright so in Blobster you get this little blob who can move by touching the left and right side of your iPod. He can also jump by touching him and holding him, then pulling him back and then releasing him. There are these coin things that you collect in each level to unlock other worlds. There can be 4 or 20 coins in each level. Once you collect all coins in the first world and you get 100% you unlock the second world and it keeps going on as you play.
So that's what the little blob looks like. He makes noises that are actually quite cute and funny. He can also get specials that do things. +'s make him get bigger, up arrows that make him jump really high, float's that make him go in water, and a few more things. This blob is trying to destroy all the bad guys and win back his city. So far right now there is only 4 worlds. In each world there is different levels and the 4 worlds are all themed.
The 4 worlds are called: 'Meadow Madness', 'Desert Dash', 'Rumble Jungle', and 'Winter Wonder'. You have to get around 100% in each world to unlock the next worlds. Also, there is bonus levels at the end of each world. If you're having trouble with this app and my explaining doesn't help AND you download this app, the beginning explains the whole game. There is also survival mode which I think you unlock once you beat the whole game but I don't know yet. Anyway so that's everything for...
Alright, now onto my vacation. I'll be going away to another vacation spot on early Sunday morning to Friday or Saturday. I will have access to Wi-Fi but ya'know... all I have is an iPod and there is no computer where I am going and I don't have a laptop, I have a PC so I can't bring a computer either. ANYWAY, I'm also going to be making a new poll today so I can get that done with too. Alright so one more time...
Hey everyone!
Cut the rope! Yes you are confused huh? Well, it's the app I was talking about that I've never shown you before. Alright, so I was bored so I spent $0.99 on an add-on to Cut the Rope. It lets you unlock ALL levels and FUTURE UPDATES. So I'm happy about that because when I first got the app it never let you unlock the levels by buying them. You used to have to unlock them by getting a certain amount of stars which was very hard. Anyway so I unlocked all of the levels and I've been getting into the app again. So here it is...
Alright, so when you tap 'Play' you see boxes. There is 8 boxes and which are the worlds for Cut the Rope. There is 25 levels in each world so when you multiply 25 X 8 it = 200. So there is 200 LEVELS! That's kinda a lot and I'm not even through them.
This is the first box, the Cardboard Box which is easy. So when this game first came out there was a clip I remember at the beginning which explained that the little fellow that is in the box got abandoned. Anyway since then you now can play his game. You get ropes and you have to cut them. There is a candy on the ropes and they connect. You have to cut the ropes and then let the candy drop into the little guy's mouth so he can eat it. It's a fun game and is made by the producers of Chillingo! Chillingo has made lots of fun apps and they actually made Blobster! Anyway so that's what this game is about. Aiight, PEACE, BYE!
(P.S. Reminding myself to post about something special tomorrow)
Hey everyone!
This is my 30th post and I'm proud to be showing you the BUMPY ROAD UPDATE! Alrighty so, Bumpy Road, the first App of the Week when I used to do it came out with an update and I felt like I had to post this so I could keep you guys occupied for about 10 minutes... Nah, I'm just kidding. Anyway, the update included an Autumn version for the mode Evergreen Ride and this is the main reason why I posted this, because Autumn is my favorite season! Ok, take a look:
In this app, go to the mode 'Evergreen Ride'.
Alright, once you get there it should look like this:
Once you get there, go to the Autumn version of Evergreen Ride. It should look like this again:
In Autumn there is different stuff. For example; there is little block lines you can go on and they all do different things. Some will make you go a little fast, some will disappear and yeah you get the point. Anyway, so that's what was in this update.
Check back later for another post for an app I've never shown before!
Hey everyone!
I'm back from vacation and the reason I said 'Aww...' in this post is because I'm tired and don't feel like posting but I gotta get this done with. Alright anyway, Angry Birds came out with an update the DAY I went to vacation, OF COURSE, so I couldn't post. Anyway, the update just includes 15 extra levels. Here, let's take a look...
Angry Birds added new levels on the world: 6. Mine and Dine
When you open it up slide to the left.
These are the levels but as you can see, I don't do too well on regular Angry Birds...
The next levels are coming soon and I don't know what they're gonna do once they finish them. So anyway that's everything for............................................
The update was small and I don't have much to say about it sooo bye!
Hey everyone!
Yes, I'm going away again with my friend and his brother. NO! I won't post at all because I'm too lazy and I want to enjoy my vacation, DUH! WINNING! Anyway, so yeah I'm going away tomorrow, Monday, and coming back Thursday. Also, I will be going away Sunday to Friday next week. AND! There's a new poll on the left sidebar, CHECK IT OUT NOWWWWWW!!!! Alright yeah so gone Monday - Thursday cya. (Yes I feel like posting freestyle)

Hey everyone!
I'm guessing by the title you're in a "WTF MOMENT". Anyway, so the title was the 2 new apps I got which are Blobster and Bean's Quest. Ok I'm start explaining the blogs from the best to the worst. BLOBSTER 1ST, BEANS QUEST 2ND. Don't get me wrong here, I like both apps but Beans Quest was way too short and I finished in 10 minutes. Alright, let's get to the explaining...
Alright, Blobster has 4 worlds that have levels in them. This was one of my favorite apps I got recently and I was impressed with it. It has 2 modes; Survival Game and Arcade. When you first get the app brand new, Arcade is the only mode you can play. So far I didn't get Survival Game and I don't know what it it's like yet. So anyway like I said, in Arcade Mode there's 4 worlds.
As you can see, I finished "Meadow Madness" the first world 98%. I'm still on the desert world and am working my way through this game. What I noticed in "Meadow Madness" is that finishing almost fully or fully will unlock each world and bonus levels. I couldn't get to other worlds because I had to collect ALL coins. So in Blobster it's basically a little blob going around trying to get to the finish and you can move him around and make him jump. So that's what this app is about, now onto Bean's Quest.
Bean's Quest
Alright, so in Bean's Quest you're a little Mexican green bean who is trying to get his way through the world. He's basically what they call, a Mexican Jumping Bean, which is actually a real thing and is way the bean ALWAYS jumps in EVERY level. The bean never stops jumping and that's the trick in this game. Anyway, the reason I said I didn't like this too much because it was too short but they said they were gonna make more levels. Anyway so here's the world and levels.
As you can see, this is why I think it's too short. There's only 8 levels in the world and this is very easy, BUT there's little things you can collect in each level which I guess will make it longer. So you control the bean with your fingers and it jumps for you. So I guess I'm done explaining this. AND YES, I know the pictures had the volume icon but I was too lazy to take more pictures, sorry, boo-hoo.
SOOO, that's about it! I'm going to be posting about something Sunday, not too big news but I think you should know. Bye!
Hey everyone!
REAL QUICK NOTICE! I bought some new apps! 2 of them, they're called Blobster and Bean's Quest, but I'm not impressed with Bean's Quest. But Blobster seems to have lots of levels and is fun. Anyway, I posted this to remind myself to show you guys and tell you what they're about. So BYE!
I told you it would be quick! ;)
Hey everyone!
Angry Birds Seasons: Summer Pignic is over with for most people. I finished the last level today and I wasn't impressed. For one, there's ONLY 2 GOLDEN EGGS in Summer Pignic and then there's the picnic basket level which I guess you could count as a golden egg level but I don't know. So anyway, forget my Angry Birds Theory post the other day. It was useless, what I'm mad with Angry Birds is that they don't make too many levels or worlds. They still need to make Angry Birds finished and they won't. But anyway, so here's the deal-i-o about Summer Pignic.
Alright, the last level was a little tricky because you had the 3 green birds that act like a boomerang. Anyway, once you defeat it and have all 3 stars it should look like this:
Ok, now slide your page over to the 2nd page and when you have all 3 stars the picnic basket will be able to played. Once defeated it will look like this.
Now, my score should be at the tippity top but of course it isn't. So anyway, this is what the world will look like when finished.
And now Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic is finished! After these long 30 days, it is finally finished!
Alright, so for now the only updates I'm expecting is the Angry Birds Rio updates. Hopefully, Angry Birds original will update with an extra set of levels and maybe another world... Bye!
Hey everyone!
I've been thinking of something to post because lately apps have been going down and the posts I really count on now-a-days are updates or a big-hit app that everyone likes. You know, it seems like the music on iTunes store is getting more popular now. Anyway, so I came up with something that I've been thinking about; ANGRY BIRDS.
This easygoing fun app everyone likes is still making it's way through the app store. It's STILL the #1 Paid App in the App Store and has been for a WHILE. The only reason it's the #1 Paid App is because there's 2 type of people for Apps. People that buy apps for fun but don't know how to play and people that study apps and learn how to play it. Now, I'm the 2nd type of person, who studies apps and learns how to play them. So basically half the people buying Angry Birds are people that don't play it too much, and the other half are the real fans, like me. So let's get back to Angry Birds, they are running things to slow and this is why I made the poll and I think they're going down. There original fans play Angry Birds and beat it because it's easy for us but the others don't play it too much and always have something to play on Angry Birds. But you know I could be wrong, maybe a lot of people play Angry Birds and beat it easily too. Ok so, anyway, let me start over of what I was going to say.
Angry Birds is taking there updates to slow. Every update they have takes about a month or 2 and it's getting annoying. Angry Birds Rio takes a month just to get out 15 levels and then they take another month to get out another set of 15 levels. They've pushed it with Angry Birds Seasons: Summer Pignic, waiting a day for a level is dumb. This is obviously showing that they need time for there updates so they make the levels hard and they make a level a day so they have extra time. Before releasing an update they should release it all. I think they messed up with Angry Birds by releasing some of it but then not releasing another set of levels. They should have released all of it, like all the other apps that are hits. They also should have added some other things to do so that they could have more time and we could be occupied. Angry Birds Seasons was ruined when Summer Pignic came out and this is part of the theory. They make the levels too easy. Now, Angry Birds Rio is another part of the theory. It's taking WAY TOO LONG to release their updates. You know, if you think about it you would think that having 3 apps would be hard to defeat all, not exactly. If they released the update in one big thing it would be better. So basically, I just think that taking their nice slow time on making new worlds and levels is starting to become stupid and is making them lose fans. It's all jumbled up and mixed. Updates include a small pack of levels and that's all for a month.
Anyway, if you support my theory or don't support it please vote on the poll. I don't think they will ever have an end because of the noobs that are recently buying it. But I think the game could be coming to an end because what else could they add for there games. Anyway one more thing, an app company called Chillingo makes lots of apps and they all become hits. The only thing I don't like about them is that they are money-thieves and they have rip-offs with their apps. They make an app about like every month and they become on the Top-10 Paid Apps chart. But I really don't like too many of their apps anyway soo... BYE!

Hey everyone!
Just posting a quick update; there's a new poll. Be sure to check that out at the top of the left side sidebar. Another little thing; in Angry Birds Rio: Carnival Upheaval, the final level is defeating a big monkey that needs to be hit a few times. This is like the first Angry Birds Rio world. Anyway, also Angry Birds Seasons is coming to it's end and has a few more levels left till it's over and so far I've ONLY FOUND 2 golden eggs. In the other worlds there was way more... Well, that's it! Bye!
(Sorry, Blogger pictures are not working, ugh...)
Hey everyone!
There's been an App I really loved since it came out. It's called iStunt 2. It's from the producers of Miniclip and I really like this App. I'm not going to thoroughly explain what to do in this App and what it's about because I usually do that on App of the Month. Anyway the reason I posted this was because this App came out with an update and I also needed to start posting about other apps. So in iStunt 2...
iStunt 2
You originally got 2 sets of worlds in this game but the recent update game out with a new world that was finally able to download!
The reason I say 'finally' is because when this update first came out it kept saying you had to buy it for $7.99. I didn't understand why so I never bought it. Anyway, today the update let us download "Extreme Skies" for free!
You get levels like this:
The levels will have a guy in it, and he's on a snowboard. You have to control the snowboard by moving your iPod, swiping your finger up to jump, crouching by swiping your finger down, and balance!
You can also buy new boards for a new snowboard customization, new characters for also a new character customization, and skips to skip levels that you're stuck on. You can also do 'tail grabs' & 'nose grabs' which are tricks on your snowboard. You can do these by either grabbing the front of the board or back of the board. There's a 2 buttons for these on the left bottom side and the right bottom side.
And that's iStunt 2 in a short explanation! Hope you enjoyed this! Keep coming back and reading posts! :D
Hey everyone!
Angry Birds Rio has FINALLY came out with a new update that extends its levels. On Angry Birds Rio: Carnival Upheaval there is a new set of levels. Here let me show you:
On the world Carnival Upheaval...
There is 2 sets of levels. Go to the 2nd one. When you're there, it'll look like this if it's still new to you.
So that's basically all that was in the update, just a new set of levels we've been waiting for, for a LONG time... Anyway read my next upcoming post!
Hey everyone!!!!
GUESS WHAT?!!!??!!111 My iPod was replaced for FREE! Yes, today (Monday) I went to replace my iPod at the Apple store. See when I went there we had to make an appointment and when we made it and when we were ready, we got skipped by mistake. So because of this they replaced the iPod for free, no charge. This was very good and I was happy.
I also got an Angry Birds Cover I'd like to show you. You know I love Angry Birds and I really wanted this cover for a while so here it is.
Inside Angry Birds hard cover inside: Back Angry Birds hard cover:
Yup! I picked the red Angry Bird, and I really wanted this and I'm happy! Hope you enjoyed reading this and the cover! Ok... so that's basically it oh and I made a new poll. Sorry I was a day late.
Hey everyone!
Yes, I know super long title. Anyway, I found another golden egg in Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic! It's on level 1-14 and is kinda tricky/hard to get. Here, let me show you how to get it.
1. Alright, so first you go to level 1-14 on Summer Pignic:
2. Now when you open up the level it should look like this:
It's not going to look EXACTLY like this because I circled the golden egg. Anyway, you have to use the yellow bird by flinging it upwards and making it bounce somewhere near the egg. This also took me a few tries because I had trouble bouncing the bird off something. You could also try knocking over those rocks by hitting the TNT, BUT most of the time the rocks will not go backwards and will go frontwards.
3. So once you get it you should have the golden egg in your picnic basket page or page 2 and you play it. It looks like this:
4. All you have to do in this one knock over the 3 rocks and let them hit the TNT. Once they hit it, the other rocks will explode the other TNT's. Once finished it will look something like this:
I found this level to be fun :). Anyway once you defeat it, it'll be in your golden egg page and have a star.
And that basically sums up how to get the golden egg and what it's like in...
I have something to tell you, I'm realizing all I really post about it Angry Birds Seasons and Angry Birds Rio. So I am going to try to start posting about other apps. I would have posted more if my Chrome didn't get deleted. Anyway, I'll try to post more about iPod apps because that's what this site is for. Also, quick little note, if you realized I'm going to make the pics bigger now. Bye!